傳播量 – VOICE Ltd. http://thev.com.hk 專營網上推廣及行銷策劃,以最合適的平台推廣您的品牌。 Wed, 08 Jul 2020 09:25:42 +0000 zh-HK hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.29 學會心理學,增加傳播量研究 http://thev.com.hk/?p=1104 Thu, 09 Oct 2014 10:25:07 +0000 http://thev.com.hk/?p=1104 情感因素與社交平台 社交平台注重用戶與用戶之間的互動,情感直接影響用戶分享的交章的機率,所以推廣主題一般都會加 […]

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社交平台注重用戶與用戶之間的互動,情感直接影響用戶分享的交章的機率,所以推廣主題一般都會加入感性的原素。可是,俗話有說「人心難測」,要捉模客戶的情感談可容易,到底什麼類型的文章比較多人願意分享呢? 關於這個推廣難題,我們可以參考以下一些學者的意見。 



「愈正面的文章,傳播率愈高」,University of Pennsylvania市場學教授 — Jonah Berger通過研究傳播量最多的7000篇紐約時報文章,得出以上推論。他利用了科學統計和分析,發現正面的信息例如,驚喜、有趣和實用知識的內容遠比負面信息吸引和願意分享出去。

節錄至其研究論文 — What Makes Online Content Viral?   “Positive content is more viral (than negative content), as is content that inspires awe. But while sad content is less viral, anger or anxiety inducing articles are both more likely to make the paper’s most emailed list. These results hold controlling for how surprising, interesting, or practically useful content is (all of which are positively linked to virality), as well as external drivers of attention (e.g., how prominently articles were featured).”



Fractl 是一家經營內容行銷(Content Marketing)的美國公司,利用幾個成功案例和Google的數據分析,引證了與快樂有關連的文章能達到更大的迴響和傳播量。他們利用不同情感作為文章的內容行銷作出比較,包括愉快、有趣、可愛、刺激和可憐的內容等等。統計得出的頭十名受歡迎的文章,都是圍繞令人感到快樂的內容。



Google於2013的一個報告指出funny but kind of a waste of time (有趣但毫無意議)的影像愈來愈受歡迎,例如貓咪的GIF和Harlem Shake。尤其是與貓咪有關的影像,在2013年創下了Google搜尋量的新高,同時收錄了接近3800億的的圖片,佔總收錄量的10%。到底為何我們會花這麼多時間在貓咪上呢? 經過實驗,Google發現分享快樂是人的本性,因為在傳遞正能量的同時,自已亦會得到滿足,正所謂助人為快樂之本。

節錄至其研究 — The Engagement Project: Finding the Meaning in Memes   Google’s Abigail Posner describes this urge as an “energy exchange:”   “When we see or create an image that enlivens us, we send it to others to give them a bit of energy and effervescence. Every gift holds the spirit of the gifter. Also, every image reminds us and others that we’re alive, happy and full of energy (even if we may not always feel that way). And when we ‘like’ or comment on a picture or video sent to us, we’re sending a gift of sorts back to the sender. We’re affirming them. But, most profoundly, this ‘gift’ of sharing contributes to an energy exchange that amplifies our own pleasure – and is something we’re hardwired to do.” 






What Makes Online Content Viral?
The Anatomy of a Viral Hit: How to Reach Millions, Cultivate Relationships and Generate 1,200 Links
The Engagement Project: Finding the Meaning in Memes

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